Discount Glasses Direct

395 del monte center, #201, monterey, California, 93940, United States     1-866-485-0808     1-831-597-5018

Bifocal Glasses

Bifocal lens contain two prescriptions,  the top part of the lens will be used for your distance vision and the bottom part will be used for reading, there is a line separating distance and reading sections.

The bifocals are extremely successful as the reading area is very stable.

Our bifocal lenses start at $22.95 a pair, which is less than most insurance co-pay.  All of  our bifocal lenses also come with uv400 and scratch-resistant coating Free of Charge

Frames listed below are all suitable for bifocal glasses. To order, select frame first, then follow step by step process to finish your order

Bifocal lens is best for distance vision and as readers. Available in all styles full-rimmed to no rimmed frames. Check out the selection today. The bifocal lens in the frame of your choice that improves your vision will make you feel good physically and also helps your pocketbook because you know you look good and you do it at a fraction of the cost retail when you order at

  SKU Product Our Price
SKU27 Dallas Eyeglasses $9.95 (€7.46)
SKU25 San Antonio Eyeglasses $24.49 (€18.37)
SKU26 San Diego Eyeglasses $8.49 (€6.37)

Information correct as of 02:24, 03-29-2025